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The Sustainable Business Audit

Are you feeling stuck in sustainability and unsure where to get started? The Sustainable Business Audit is for you!

Download the audit and start your sustainability journey today.

  • Explore and identify your gaps and opportunities.

  • Get a snapshot of what’s working well and what’s not across essential sustainable business pillars.

  • Design a mini sustainability action plan.

The audit will help to start sustainability conversations in your organisation and define how to get started on your unique journey. I can’t wait to join you!

Sustainability on your radar?

One of the biggest challenges for businesses when they start their sustainability journey is knowing what to do first.

🌱 You might be talking a lot about sustainability but not yet taking any action.

🌱 You’re hearing lots of ideas but aren’t sure what’s green washing and what’s legitimate.

🌱 Your work load is consistent and you don’t have the time to unpick all the different frameworks and methods out there.

🌱 You’re getting a lot of pressure from staff, clients, policy or friends and family to be more sustainable but still confused about what that actually means.

You’re not alone.

The good news is, there is a simple way to understand your sustainability current state, so you know exactly what to do to get to where you need to be - and we can help you for FREE.

🌱 Cost: Nothing at all, the audit is my gift to you.

🌱 Time Investment: Completing the workbook will take you no longer than a coffee break with a couple of colleagues. In the long run this will help your business cut straight to sustainable action.

🌱 Benefits: Clarity, direction, priorities and actions.

The audit will help you start sustainability conversations with your staff, clients and suppliers confidently and logically.

Audit Sneak Peek

Through the audit we will explore x2 areas of a sustainable business:

  1. Systems and processes for sustainability.

  2. Delivering sustainable outcomes.

We’ll take you through checklists in these two areas to identify gaps and priorities.

You’ll analyse what’s working and what not.

Then you’ll identify actions to take towards improving your sustainability practices in your two priority areas.

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Your Sustainable Business Consultant.

Kia ora! I'm Annabel Burgess, sustainable business coach and founder of Third Era Sustainability Consulting. I love helping amazing business (like yours?) create and step into their unique sustainability story! As a former environmental lawyer, sustainable transport planner and sustainable procurement expert, you can count on me to challenge your sustainability practices and create impactful results!

I encourage you to give it a go and complete the Sustainable Business Audit today. This simple framework is created from collating years of experience and proven sustainability tools into one simple and easy to use framework that gives you a snapshot of your sustainability practices and gets you started on your journey to sustainable business.

Ready for clarity and impact? Join us today!